Talk on Wednesday, Oct 12 at 9:15am ET

October 09, 2022

Truth and Trust Online 2022

UPDATE: The talk and slides are now available: Improving online discourse with transparent moderation

I’ll be giving a pre-conference talk with Truth and Trust Online on October 12th at 9:15am ET.

This will summarize my reasons for building Reveddit, the impact I’ve seen it have, and where I think we can go from here.

Video is a new format for me, and it will be the first time I summarize my work to such a degree. It’s worth your time, so please do check it out! Plus, if you join live you can ask me questions.

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Rob Hawkins is a grassroots software developer living in Taiwan and is the founder of Reveddit, which is a tool that lets users discover which of their content has been removed from Reddit.
Find me on Twitter or on Reddit